Oct 3rd
Unit 2 will focus on the Concept of Culture.
Here is a link to the assignment outline.
NOTE: Please do NOT choose your own cultures from now on. I want you to learn about others. I don’t care what your topic is provided it relates to your perspective (Groups A, B, C) and this unit’s topic.
Weekly Prompt/Question
How does being part of a cultural group provide people with a sense of security and belonging?
We will be answering the week’s question and brainstorming ideas.
Can we break down these ideas into their component parts?
Why are these things necessary?
Oct 4th
Research Period - Choosing cultures and doing initial research
Chromebooks provided.
Oct 5-6th
Over these two days we will be working on understanding the following definitions- Elements of culture - Go to this link to learn more about cultural elements
- Functions of culture
- Nature of cultural influences
The goal is to help you be more able to quickly and accurately complete your projects.
Article Questions:
Gender Justice
1) How does this article change your perception of feminism?
2) How do existing cultural norms affect present day changes?
3)How does media affect culture?
Oct 20th
Oct 7th
PD Day!
Oct 10th
No School!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oct 11th
Research period - Chromebooks booked.
I will be absent, but this is NO excuse for you to slack off.
Please come prepared to continue to refine your projects. You should use the information you learned or created last week to help refine your research. Keep in mind you should be explaining everything through the eyes of a theory!
Oct 12th
Weekly Prompt/Question
How is mass media/social media affecting cultural change in society, especially for your generation?
Cultural identity and social construction. Define these terms as a class. We will write the definition on the board.
You will brainstorm specific examples of the social construction of cultural identity. (ie: how cultural identity is created by the society/ies we live in) - write ideas on blank papers provided and post on wall.
Explain how cultures are maintained through social construction.
Oct 13th
Research period - Chromebooks booked.
Oct 14th
Oct 10th
No School!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oct 11th
Research period - Chromebooks booked.
I will be absent, but this is NO excuse for you to slack off.
Please come prepared to continue to refine your projects. You should use the information you learned or created last week to help refine your research. Keep in mind you should be explaining everything through the eyes of a theory!
Oct 12th
Weekly Prompt/Question
How is mass media/social media affecting cultural change in society, especially for your generation?
Cultural identity and social construction. Define these terms as a class. We will write the definition on the board.
You will brainstorm specific examples of the social construction of cultural identity. (ie: how cultural identity is created by the society/ies we live in) - write ideas on blank papers provided and post on wall.
Explain how cultures are maintained through social construction.
What are the merits of this process? Could it be taken too far? Or not far enough?
Oct 13th
Research period - Chromebooks booked.
Cultural Transmission (ex: dispersion, assimilation, conquest, exogamy, imperialism)
African Diaspora
Jewish Diaspora, 20th Century
Globalization of the USA
Commonwealth of Nations, etc
- Think of cultures that have undergone transmission (some examples below), and explain which type(s) of transmission was experienced.
- Justify how this is both positive and negative.
African Diaspora
Jewish Diaspora, 20th Century
Globalization of the USA
Commonwealth of Nations, etc
Seeds of Cultural Change
What supports do we need to remove our own bias? In groups, discuss and develop some strategies "we" could implement to create a more accepting culture.
Oct 17
Weekly Prompt/QuestionHow do different theoretical perspectives help you understand and explain the various practices found within a culture?
Weekly Prompt/QuestionHow do different theoretical perspectives help you understand and explain the various practices found within a culture?
Article review: Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? - 8 pages
Questions to answer having read the article:
- How does cultural relativism help us understand ethnographic responsibility?
- With this new perspective, where can we hope to go from here?
- How can this perspective be used in your own projects?
Work period.
These articles were not covered but may be of interest...
Article reviews: Goddess across the Taiwan Strait - 3 pages
Gender Justice
1) How does this article change your perception of feminism?
2) How do existing cultural norms affect present day changes?
3)How does media affect culture?
Oct 20th
Please view the following video in your groups (of 2): The Gay Sweater.
1) Explain how the video exhibits examples of:
1) Explain how the video exhibits examples of:
elements of culture (e.g., language, symbols, arts, literature, values, beliefs, traditions, ethnic origin, religion, social hierarchies, kinship relations),
functions of culture (e.g., contributing to an individual’s sense of self and sense of community; providing a sense of security; establishing and enforcing social norms; providing meaning, purpose, and structure in individuals’ lives) and
nature of cultural influence (e.g., with respect to dietary choices/ restrictions, customs, habits, moral expectations, the human relationship to nature, social roles such as gender roles or roles associated with age).
Be sure to differentiate between the positive and negative examples.
2) Show how the message in the video is both/either socially constructed or socially destructed.
3) With reference to the video, do you agree with all the cultural practices and beliefs of your family?
4) If not, what are some of the areas of disagreement?
5) Why do you think these areas are contentious?
Be sure to differentiate between the positive and negative examples.
2) Show how the message in the video is both/either socially constructed or socially destructed.
3) With reference to the video, do you agree with all the cultural practices and beliefs of your family?
4) If not, what are some of the areas of disagreement?
5) Why do you think these areas are contentious?
Oct 21st
Work period.
NOTE: Projects are due Monday Oct 24th. Presentation order will be decided using a sign up sheet. All non-presentation projects must be handed in on Monday Oct 24th.
Presentations should be no longer than 10 mins.
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