Sunday, 18 March 2018

Are you a teacher looking for resources?

If you happen to be a new teacher looking for anything to help you get started, or a seasoned veteran who's just been landed with this new World Cultures course....this site might be a good place to start. Although I am not currently teaching this course, I have all the resources for it available.

Fire me an email at and I'll share all my resources with you. I strongly urge you to read the How-To file I have cunningly placed in the main folder. It will help you get through the course with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of enjoyment.

Good luck! This course is one of my favourite.


Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Welcome to World Cultures!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to World Cultures at Ridgemont. I am really looking forward to teaching this course and am hoping to learn a lot about new cultures through your projects.

Please make sure that you are familiar with using your school based gmail accounts as I will be sharing everything through there.

You will have access to all the course files and your evidence records either on the blog or in your Google Drive. If you have smart phones, make sure to download and configure the Google Drive App right away if you haven't already done so.

Also, if you happen to be lucky enough to have your own laptops or tablets I strongly urge you to bring them every day as we will be using technology extensively!

We will start working on our first projects on Day 1. Your first project is due September 26th!

Friday, 15 January 2016

Useful search engine tips

In your last few weeks you might find this link showing 10 great tips for "searching Google effectively" useful. Some of the suggestions are amazing. You can use your time more effectively.
Good luck on your summatives and exams!